A significant number of people travel by plane these days, but this can take a toll on your health in the long run. When it comes to air travel and health, there are a few things you can do in order to avoid getting sick. Read on in order to learn more about the things you should do before a plane trip.

First of all, long plane flights will get you dehydrated. People who travel often complain of having dry skin, so make sure to use a water spray whenever possible. This will help your skin and also keep your refreshed during a long flight. In addition to that, keep yourself hydrated by drinking water all throughout your trip. A good suggestion is mixing the water spray with a few essential oils like rose or geranium for a quick pick me up. Drug stores offer enhanced water sprays that will keep your skin fresh and hydrated.

Another well known danger of air travel is deep vein thrombosis. During long flights you may not get the chance to move your legs much, and this can cause leg clots after some time. If you want to avoid this, try to book a comfortable seat and stay away from the economy class. A good seat will provide with more room that will put less strain on your legs in the long run. Another idea is keeping active on your flight. Exercise your muscles on your seat, even if you cannot move around too much.

When it comes to eating on a plane, pay attention to your habits. If you overload your stomach with too much food, you could easily get sick. Furthermore, it is recommended you skip the hot meals and eat something cold instead. Drinking sodas should also be avoided, as well as anything that contains caffeine. Caffeine might make you restless and generally unwell. If you get thirsty, try water or perhaps tea in order to calm down your stomach. Additionally, stay away from heavy meals and simply pick a sandwich or something easy to eat. If you suffer from particular allergies, make sure the food does not contain the ingredients you are not allowed to eat. Perhaps your flight is not a long one, and in that case choose to have a meal before boarding instead of eating on the plane.

If you travel often, you should also consider boosting your immune system before the trip. A plane is usually packed with people from all over the world, and this could put you at risk. Take care of your health before boarding the plane in order to have a more pleasant experience. You are generally allowed to bring your own food and drinks on the plane, so you may want to take advantage of that.

Flying always imposes a certain health risk, but keeping these tips to mind will help you minimize those risks. In the end, you will feel more comfortable and you will arrive at your destination feeling fresh.